Phil said he has been dealing with the business for 27 years and they always do top-notch work.


It's nice to feel like South Main Serv Ctr is working FOR you and doing everything they can to get you in quickly. I'm always comfortable with the advice and service. The staff are great to work with.


Great people and great work. Very satisfied with the quality of work, very professional.


I've been a customer for over 25 years. I drive 38 miles for appointments. Not only is it a great company, they have become good friends.


Best there is anywhere


Extremely pleased with the quick service , excellent service and pleasant staff.


Whenever I need help I get it promptly and efficiently


Jim said he has been going there for years and he likes the way they treat him. He said he was satisfied with the service and the way they get the work done.


Dave said when he comes in he explains what he can afford and they try to save him money by always making the repairs affordable. He said other businesses might think a guy like him could pay $600 and other businesses would charge that much.


Beverly said she's been going to them for 30 years with multiple vehicles. When her tire went flat just after leaving their business, they installed a new tire and didn't even charge her. It wasn't their fault and it was an exceptional thing for them to do for a long-time customer. She does receive their $5 and $10 off specials.