Dennis stated the business has taken great care of his vehicle.


Donna said everything was good at this business.


Good reliable service, friendly atmosphere.


You won't find a better garage. I've been with So. Main for over 22 years.


Went in with unexpected problem and was given prompt service. I can depend on this garage to help when I need it.


Always skilled mechanics who want to do it right


Justine said they're good, they're dependable, and they get the job done. She said they're terrific and she trusts them.


I recently noticed a S. Main posting on FB about keeping cool - I didn't expect that the next day my driver's side window wouldn't go back up. Then of course, it had to rain for 3 days in a row! Thanks for fitting us in quickly & getting the job done in a day! I'm glad I can cool off using my AC rather than a window that won't shut!


After years of service they've proven to be reliable and very knowledgable. I have full trust in the information and guidance I get from the So Main Serv team.


A fair price for the service provided.